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About J. E. Harter

J. E. Harter

I didn't always want to be an author. In 2022, however, I felt a need surface, a kind of emptiness that I felt could only be filled with stories and characters. Turns out--that was just the thing to light a spark in my life.


I've been writing fantasy since the age of 8. Reading and writing have always been some of my favorite hobbies and passions. In 3rd grade, I wrote my first story about a girl and her dog named Satin. However, I wasn't a very good speller and actually wrote the story about a dog named Satan, instead. Needless to say, my 3rd grade teacher was very concerned. In 5th grade, I wrote a substantial "novel" about a magical boy named Timby Kakarot who joined a group of superpowered individuals to fight an evil enemy. I actually can't remember anything else about it, but my 5th grade teacher gave it rave reviews. 


Since then, I've been flexing my writing muscles and have previously self-published 3 novels that I will never sell and promote publicly. They were written merely for my own enjoyment and skill development. I also have several other partially completed works that I hope to one day bring back to life, and work on again.


For now, my life revolves around my two adorable cats, Simon and Ziggy. I have a love for music and theatre, which you can spot in several of my characters in the Dark Magic Series- my first official debut works. When not writing, I am reading, discovering a new-found enjoyment of cooking, teaching musical theater to kids & teens, taking long walks, staying positive, and doing my best to promote kindness.


I also co-founded the Fantasy Author Legion alongside my PA and friend, Tay, known in the book community as ReadwithTay. The Legion is a group of 20+ female indie fantasy authors who reside on the East Coast of the US. We travel to book signings together, and promote each other's works. If you're looking for new fantasy books to devour, check out the Legion at the website above, and be on the lookout for our group signings!

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